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Dance Improvisation in English
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There are no complicated choreographies in the dance improvisation course. But moving your body in the moment doesn't sound that easy at first. That's why you'll learn about the variety of movements in your body, get inspiration for dance moves from everyday life and create movement sequences using aesthetic means. But also simply to dance together and have fun!No previous knowledge is necessary.

Level 1 in EnglishMi17:30-19:0015.05.-10.07.TU-Sportzentrum Dovestraße 6 / E20€/30€/30€/40€buchen
Level 1 in English drop-inMi17:30-19:0015.05.-22.05.TU-Sportzentrum Dovestraße 6 / E3€/4€/4€/6€buchen
Level 1 in EnglishMi17:30-19:0031.07.-09.10.TU-Sportzentrum Dovestraße 6 / E20€/30€/30€/40€buchen
Level 1 in English drop-inMi17:30-19:0031.07.-07.08.TU-Sportzentrum Dovestraße 6 / E3€/4€/4€/6€buchen